The objective

The Benedict Prize of Mönchengladbach is awarded for outstanding value-oriented action in the areas of society, culture, politics, business and science against the backdrop of Christian and Western experience. It is endowed with a certificate, plaque and prize money.

The “Benediktpreis von Mönchengladbach” association awards this prize in cooperation with the city of Mönchengladbach and with the support of Gladbacher Bank.

Christian and occidental values refer to the values that were developed in a Christian and European context and that still characterize European culture today. These are a variety of values that have emerged over the course of history and are derived from various sources, such as Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity. These include, for example:

– Charity and solidarity: Christian charity and solidarity with the poor and weak is a fundamental principle that is still anchored in European society today.
– Freedom and democracy: The freedom of the individual and the basic principles of democracy are essential values in European society.
– Humanity and compassion: The treatment of other people and respect for their dignity are fundamental values in a Christian and European context.
– Responsibility and duty: Responsibility for one’s own actions and the common good as well as the fulfillment of duties are central values in European society.
– Tolerance and respect: Tolerance and respect for other cultures and religions are essential values in a multicultural society.
– Knowledge and education: Knowledge and education are regarded as indispensable foundations for a free and democratic society in the Western Christian context.